Haw Creek Elementary

Weather changes from day to day and season to season. On this adventure, use the brochure to track changes in the weather over a week at Haw Creek Elementary!
TRACK your Adventure
Studying weather is a science that requires an assortment of tools. On this adventure, use the equipment to document weather data around the school grounds.
TRACK your Adventure
Want to predict the future (weather)? On this adventure, log weekly weather changes at the school and identify patterns that may suggest certain forecasts.
TRACK your Adventure
Are you ready to get your hands dirty? On this adventure, let's dig in to the mysteries of soil and find out what's in the soil around Haw Creek Elementary.
TRACK your Adventure
Using one's hands is an important tool when analyzing soil. On this adventure, roll up your sleeves and explore the different types of soil at each station.
TRACK your Adventure
Scientists use tools and chemical tests to learn about soil. On this adventure, examine the soil at each station and what might be different among the sites.
TRACK your Adventure
Grab your magnifying glass because we have an investigation underway! On this adventure, set out on a search for different insects and arthropods in the area.
TRACK your Adventure
Insects have incredible and complex life cycles, just like us. On this adventure, use the brochure to record and observe the changes of an insect over time.
TRACK your Adventure
Bugs can be found everywhere, but some prefer certain habitats over others. On this adventure, cycle through each station and uncover which bugs live where.
TRACK your Adventure
Trees come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. On this adventure, meet a few trees along the trail and learn new vocab that helps distinguish their features.
TRACK your Adventure
Are you ready to dive deep into the inner workings of trees? On this adventure, discover the unique parts of a tree and learn about its various life stages.
TRACK your Adventure
Trees go through changes throughout the year due to their climate and habitat. On this adventure, track these changes amongst different trees along the trail.
TRACK your Adventure
From ranger-led hikes to fishing events, many TRACK Trail sites offer public programs. Submit your own adventure from a park program or Junior Ranger activity here!
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